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To Be Determined

I read. Mostly Romance. I like to talk about books. The end.

The Seduction Hypothesis

The Seduction Hypothesis - Delphine Dryden I told myself I wasn't going to read any more m/f BDSM that featured a male dom/female sub but 1)I wanted to try audio and this was the first sample I thought I could listen to for several hours, and 2)the dom is introduced to the lifestyle in this story. I decided to go for it, and I'm glad I did. BDSM is something Ben and Lindsey have to learn, and it's both hot and adorable to see it happen. The reason I'm tired of stories with male doms is that the ultra-confident alpha is just so boring. Ben comes across as a real person, and watching him figure out this new world--watching him be unsure of himself sometimes and make mistakes--was sexy as hell and incredibly romantic.